

Mental Health Problems in Children: Understanding and Supporting Our Young Ones

Mental Health Problems in Children: Understanding and Supporting Our Young Ones
IntroductionChildren's mental health is a critical aspect of their overall well-being. As adults, it's essential for us to recognize the challenges our young ones face and understand how we can support them through their emotional struggles. In this article, we delve into the topic of mental health problems in children, shedding light on various is...

Mental Health Problems in Children: Understanding and Supporting Our Young Ones

Mental Health Problems in Children: Understanding and Supporting Our Young Ones
IntroductionChildren's mental health is a critical aspect of their overall well-being. As adults, it's essential for us to recognize the challenges our young ones face and understand how we can support them through their emotional struggles. In this article, we delve into the topic of mental health problems in children, shedding light on various is...

Happiness, Health, Helpful Habits,

Three Effective Techniques for Harnessing the Power of Positive Neuroplasticity Training

Three Effective Techniques for Harnessing the Power of Positive Neuroplasticity Training
In today's fast-paced world, it is crucial to prioritize our mental well-being. Positive neuroplasticity training offers a powerful approach to transforming our minds and enhancing our overall happiness and fulfillment. In this article, we will explore three effective techniques for harnessing the power of positive neuroplasticity training, enablin...

Happiness, Health, Helpful Habits,

Negative thoughts weigh you down

Negative thoughts weigh you down
Are you feeling weighed down by negative thoughts and emotions? Do you find yourself constantly worrying about things that might never happen or replaying past mistakes in your mind? It's natural to have negative thoughts from time to time, but when they start to take over your life and affect your day-to-day activities, it's time to take action.On...

Happiness, Helpful Habits, Mindfulness,

Difficult Conversations

Difficult Conversations
When it comes to difficult conversations, it is very common for people to avoid them. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you knew you needed to have a difficult conversation, but you chose to procrastinate or altogether avoid it? This behavioral pattern is a widespread phenomenon and can happen in any area of life, be it personal or ...

Happiness, Love,

Alone in a Pub

Alone in a Pub
 The empty glasses sit before me,Unfinished tales in each one.Silent voices echo in the distance,Their laughter faded and done.The barkeep wipes down the counters,A job he's done a thousand times.I sit and stare out of the window,Watching the world pass by.The empty seat next to me,Was once filled with lively talk.Now, it stands as a constant ...

Helpful Habits, Mindfulness,

Habits Transform You!

Habits Transform You!
As humans, we are inherently creatures of habit. From the moment we wake up to the time we go to sleep, we go through our daily routines, largely on autopilot. Often, these routines and habits are the results of years of conditioning and repetition, and they can be hard to break. But what if there was a way to hack our habits, to create positive da...

Articles, Health, Helpful Habits, Mindfulness, Mindfulness at Work,

Thinking Out of Box Helps Innovation and Creativity

Thinking Out of Box Helps Innovation and Creativity
Thinking Outside the Box How Innovation and Creativity Can Revolutionize Workplace Performance.Thinking out of the box is an essential skill that can help individuals improve their work-life, become innovative, solve problems creatively, and improve their overall quality of life. It involves questioning assumptions, taking risks, and challenging th...

Competition, Helpful Habits, Mindfulness at Work, Stress,

Competition at the Workplace?

Competition at the Workplace?
Are you having a friendly competition at the Workplace?"I think having that little bit of friendly rivalry in the competition is really important...It just keeps us pushing a little bit more" - Jordyn Wieber.In 2020, two professional tennis players, Novak Djokovic, and Dominic Thiem, were competing in the ATP Cup, a team competition between countri...

Helpful Habits,

Business Leaders - It's Time to Wake Up!

Business Leaders - It's Time to Wake Up!
What is lost in most business leaders is that their employees are human beings.And, they have feelings, emotions, attitudes, beliefs, and biases.It would be easy to "manage" robots.Humans on the other hand…So, what’s my point?My point is that every employee will not come to work every day and be 100% productive 100% of the time.Yes, laziness co...

How to Celebrate International Women's Day at Work

How to Celebrate International Women's Day at Work
Every year on March 8, the world celebrates all the wonderful women who live in it. This is International Women's Day: a globally recognized day with gender equality at its core. It has been celebrated for over 100 years.The theme for International Women's Day 2022 is #BreakTheBias, which essentially asks us to imagine "a world free of prejudice, s...

Helpful Habits,

How can I live my Life with Passion?

How can I live my Life with Passion?
For most of us, it is a distant goal to live our life with passion. Did anyone at school tell us to find our purpose in life? According to researchers, less than 25 percent of the world's population knows what their true passion is. It is not surprising that many are not happy in their jobs and relationships and have no idea how to get out of the r...


Is Meditation waste of Time?

Is Meditation waste of Time?
So you think meditation is a waste of time, your day is full, and simply the thought of adding something else to a busy day is too big to think about.In a mindful world, you can forgive yourself for thinking about it.How many times do you keep a promise because something else is late or just forgotten? If you follow your impulses and get easily dis...


What is Meditation?

What is Meditation?
There are many definitions of meditation in the web. Google shows 441,000,000 search results for the word. From my experience on meditation after practice of 30 years is that it’s a state of consciousness that allows for a deeper level of awareness and relaxation. This originated in the East and has now become very popular in the west as well in ...


Learn to Help your Kids

Learn to Help your Kids
We all are experiencing tough times with our children, being attached to mobile devices, as if they were some sort of life support for them. All the social networks have become their lifeline, and they have a great influence on them, even more than their own mind. The problem that most guardians and parents are facing is how to get them off these d...


Mindfulness is a Secular Practice

Mindfulness is a Secular Practice
Mindfulness: a small slice of heaven in a world full of chaos. Those who practice on a regular basis seem to carry a calmness with them as they flow through life, more aware of their surroundings and emotions. Mindfulness possesses many similarities to traditional religious practices, especially those branching from the peaceful roots of Buddhism a...


How Can Mindfulness Help?

How Can Mindfulness Help?
In this confused, busy world, we are constantly trying our hands in different things at the same time. Either we are immersed in our responsibilities and thriving hard to make a living or running through the day to tick off necessary tasks. In the meantime, what we fail to realise is that we are completely detaching ourselves with the now-moment. W...


Stress Is The Silent Killer

Stress Is The Silent Killer
Stress can be termed as the natural response of your body when a demand is placed on it. Stress is a natural phenomenon which can be influenced due to both internal and external factors. External factors of stress involve work deadlines, exams, relationships, finances, etc. Health, hunger and amount of sleep are the internal factors which can affec...

Anxiety, Stress,

Less Stress Better Life!

Less Stress Better Life!
  If you feel constantly overwhelmed, it may be because you are stressed. Stress alone can cause major mental, physical, and psychological problems. In fact, stress itself can exaggerate the existing problems. Stress causes confusion cloud as it hurts you and affects your physical, emotional and psychological aspects. Stress is one of the...

Mindfulness at Work,

How to Destress While at Work!

How to Destress While at Work!
How to Destress Yourself While at Work! Now days our world seems to be running  at a very fast pace; we all are struggling to catch up. This pace of life produces stress and it keep adding up each day.  You wake up every morning to the same routines and responsibilities.  This never ending cycle continues until your system sudde...


Breathe In, Stress Out!

Breathe In, Stress Out!
  Breathe – It’s Your Natural Stress Reliever We all live in a society full of stress and especially after Covid it has been a totally different dynamics of stress in life, stress of uncertainty.  From the very second to till we fall asleep, it’s either family, or career, or bills and or a hundred other worries, it has bec...

Addiction, Health,

Is Multi-Tasking Good for Your Mental Health!

Is Multi-Tasking Good for Your Mental Health!
Is Multi-Tasking Good for Your Mental Health?The common question I get asked in seminars and workshops is, does multitasking affect our physical and mental health? And my simple answer is always ‘YES’, it does.On surface you feel like it is increasing efficiency and saving you time and energy, and most people are proud of their multi-tasking ab...


It's OK to talk about Anxiety and Depression!

It's OK to talk about Anxiety and Depression!
Anxiety and Depression!It's absolutely normal to feel anxious occasionally or bit depressed sometimes, especially in response to stressors of daily life. However, when these feelings become prolonged, disproportionate, or apparent for no significant reason, there develops need to address them.Thankfully science and psychological research have come ...


A Valentine's Day with Mindfulness!

A Valentine's Day with Mindfulness!
Valentine’s Day is around the corner and what about if we pick up mindfulness to be our date this year?As we celebrate the day of love, I propose you to fall in love with mindfulness for a moment. The minute you begin to fall in love with mindfulness, believe me, every day will appear to be a Valentine’s day, every meeting will be a valentineâ€...


Impossible is Just a Word

Impossible is Just a Word
When we were kids, we all had a dream of being somebody famous, somebody really rich. Who hasn't fantasized about being the one who hits the game-winning goal? Who hasn't dreamed of being the homecoming queen? And how many times have we dreamed of being rich, or successful, or happy with our relationships?Often, we dream big dreams and have great a...


Why you should teach Children Mindfulness?

Why you should teach Children Mindfulness?
We are busy. Routines often begin early in the morning and end with little energy late into the night. This continues all week, all, month, and most of the year. Just like this takes a toll on adults, it has a huge effect on children. Over the last decade there has been a large increase in anxiety and ADHD in children. There is not one root cause a...


Mindfulness and Wellbeing

Mindfulness and Wellbeing
It’s hard to quiet the mind. We live a fast-paced life constantly juggling our daily and weekly tasks in an attempt to create some type of balance. Throughout the day our connection with ourselves drifts further and further away, leaving us wrapped up in a whirlwind of never-ending tasks. Continuing life in this fashion leads to a downward spiral...

Mindfulness at Work,

How Mindfulness Can Help Building a Better Workplace?

How Mindfulness Can Help Building a Better Workplace?
 Think of a place, where people are obligated to spend minimum 8 hours of their day. Where there are rules and regulations to follow and potential penalties if not executed. A place that houses people that are all living separate lives and have their own unique set of problems. This place is fortunately a place that majority of us spend 5 days...


Bhupinder Sandhu
Bhupinder Sandhu
Speaker, Writer, and Mindfulness Coach.

I'm an optimist who believes in our ability to build blissful life together. My WHY is to inspire people to change our world for the better.





"It is one thing to talk eloquently on the subject of mindfulness and it is another thing to actually practice mindfulness. Bhupi is one of those select few who walks his talk."

G. Hinduja – London, UK

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