Helpful Habits,

How can I live my Life with Passion?

Posted on February, 24 2022
How can I live my Life with Passion?

For most of us, it is a distant goal to live our life with passion. Did anyone at school tell us to find our purpose in life? According to researchers, less than 25 percent of the world's population knows what their true passion is. It is not surprising that many are not happy in their jobs and relationships and have no idea how to get out of the routine and move on. If we have no idea where we want to go, it's not fun to even go out the door.


How about you? 

Are you living your life with passion? 


Do you want to live your life with passion?


I bet so, even if you prefer to say that you just want to be happy or have more money. Anyway, to get there you will need to know what you really want and then what to do. That is often a scary question for us. Why? Because it is so general that it is not even fair to ask.

To live your life with passion is possible. Begin with belief and trust in yourself.

It will take some time and effort, but when you start looking at your life so far, you will certainly find the bright spots, however small they may seem at first glance. As the saying goes "when it's dark, the stars shine brighter." Find the best moments of your life, the moments when you felt strong and happy. Gathering them will take you to what motivates you.

If you find what motivates you, you are on your way to living your life with passion. In the next section we will share some tips that will help you discover what inspires you and guide you towards your new purpose in life. If you take this seriously, take at least an hour and do the exercises below. If you never did this before, go ahead and do the same for a few days in a row until you are sure of your results. Get yourself some sheets of paper and a pencil or pencil. When you write, you can later review what occurred to you.

1. Make a list of the things you are good at. If you feel really bad and can't think of any, here is a clue: the fact that you started this shows that you feel like learning. Also think about what people have thanked you, or for what a teacher in school praised. It may even be something that comes so naturally that you hardly realize that you are doing something much better than others.

2. Make another list of things, actions or people that really inspire you. Not only the things that make you feel good, but those that you want to do more or better. Think about when you feel safe doing something, at work or at home or when you are with other people.

3. Make a third list and think about what you are afraid to do. Is it because you think you can’t, but would you really like to do it? Then write this dream. Add to your list also the things you dream about, but that never started.

4. Take a new sheet of paper and review the 3 lists you have. You are going to reduce things. If you lived with passion now, what elements would you be doing? Try to choose no more than 3 from each list. Then review your new list of things that give your life passion. Choose one or two if they go well together and write them on your last sheet of paper in bold. Write a sentence that is positive, as if you were already doing what you want to do. Finally, underline this sentence and put the following statement below: "I now live my life with passion."

5. You can review and change your purpose over time: we change ourselves. But for the first seven weeks, at least, keep it up. Look at it, find information and especially to the people who are willing to support you. Start today There is no need to get impatient, things will begin to change if it takes time every day to work on your passion.

Do not expect your life to be completely different in an instant. But if you follow these steps, you will be surprised! You may also want to seek more inspiration and support to help you move forward. The most important thing to remember if you really want to live your life with passion is that you do it with a smile on your face and do not listen to your mind when it is telling you to quit, you already know what is on your list!

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